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Nirav R Soni

Nirav R Soni

Post Graduate Diploma Intellectual Property Rights


Nirav R Soni has completed his MPharm from Gujarat Technological University (GTU) and he has taken Postgraduate Diploma Intellectual Property Rights (PGDIPR). He got “Best Teaching Award” and he has achieved award of “Best-Student of the year” for the year 2013. Recently, he got "National Award"- PEARL Foundation, “Best Assistant Professor Award in Pharmacy” for the year 2016. Also, the “International Young Leadership Awards-2016” - TIME Cyber Media Pvt. Ltd., and the “Best Upcoming Young Researcher in Ahmedabad” for the year 2016. He cracked GPAT (Graduate Pharmacy Aptitude Test-2013, AICTE) and got stipend from the Indian government. He has research experience in the Bioanalytical department and published thesis. Also, he has published books with ISBN. He has published research, review articles and letter to the Editors in reputed international journals. He has been serving as an Editorial Board Member as well as reviewers of reputes.

Research Interest

Preparing and Dispensing Drugs